Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ July 16 – July 22, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for July 16 – July 22:

Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts with the Third Quarter occurring at 7:25 PM UTC in the zodiac sign of Aries. This phase of the Moon sets the stage through July 22 and heralds the moment to advance from and release the ties that bind us to the past. After reflecting on your accomplishments, you must accept that you have done everything that was possible for you. Now is the time to heal and become revitalized and to wisely plan your next move.

Mercury (how the mind works) Inconjuncts Pluto Rx (power and transformation) at 07:50 PM UTC. Today might be the day when you’ll need to make an important decision with what your next step will be and you might find yourself digging deeply to make the right decision.

Monday, July 17. Venus (wants, needs and desires) Semisquares Uranus (the awakener) at 01:37 AM UTC. Your path might be unpredictable today. You might need to roll with something that takes you by surprise, or you might decide to start a new creative project that inspires you, but have a hard time getting from point A to point B.

The Third Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 2:18 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aries. You might experience some tension, or feel like things are not happening as fast as you would like, or you might run into a delay. It’s possible that someone will not want to listen to your point of view.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Squares Neptune Rx (the spiritual awakener) at 02:33 PM UTC. This is not a good day to make important decisions, rather it’s a good day to pamper yourself and push important decisions into the corner until you are clear about what your next step should be.

Meanwhile the Third Quarter Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Taurus at 5:04 AM UTC. With the Moon in Taurus, you might feel more romantic, or you might be brooding over the past and bye gone days.

Tuesday, July 18. Mars (the troublemaker) Squares Uranus (the awakener) at 01:36 AM UTC. You might feel like you have a fire chasing you today. Just use this energy wisely and you will push though obstacles and block walls.

Mars (the troublemaker) Trines Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 08:08 PM UTC. This is the time to forgive yourself or someone who rubbed you the wrong way so you are not carrying around the wounds from the past.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Trines Jupiter (expansion and growth) at 08:08 PM UTC. You need to follow your bliss today to discover what will make you happy.

Mars (the troublemaker) Sesquisquares Neptune Rx (the spiritual awakener) at 10:50 PM UTC. You might decide to escape your daily routines, or you might feel tired and need time away from others to do something you want to do that inspires you.

Wednesday, July 19. The Third Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 6:11 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Taurus. You might decide to watch your spending or set up a budget, or you might have a hard time agreeing with someone else’s point of view.

Meanwhile the Third Quarter Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Gemini at 7:31 AM UTC. With the Moon in Gemini, you might feel more emotional and need to talk to others and express how you feel.

Mercury (how the mind works) Trines Saturn Rx (restrictions) at 07:15 PM UTC. You might feel more focused today, or you might decide to have a serious talk with someone.

Thursday, July 20. Mars (the troublemaker) enters the zodiac sign of Leo at 12.19 PM UTC and we start a new cycle. It’s time to grab the spotlight, or go after what you crave and you might end up getting what you want and winning!

Friday, July 21. Venus (wants, needs and desires) Inconjuncts Pluto Rx (power and transformation) at 00:16 PM UTC. You might say what needs to be said, or you might feel like someone is not being honest with you, or you might be dealing with some fears regarding a close relationship.

The Sun (what you want) Squares Uranus (the awakener) at 00:25 PM UTC. You might feel restless, or feel on edge about something. It’s best to take a step back so you do shoot yourself in the foot and do something stupid.

The Third Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 5:40 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Gemini. You might be on a fact-finding mission to make an important decision.

The Sun (what you want) Trines Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 06:24 AM UTC. You might experience some type of awakening that leads you to your life purpose, or have a dream you want to pursue.

Meanwhile the Third Quarter Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 8:09 AM UTC. With the Moon in Cancer, you might have a hard time shaking something off, or have a hard time forgiving someone, or have a hard time throwing away things that are outdated that need to go.

The Sun (what you want) Sesquisquares Neptune Rx (the spiritual awakener) at 12:49 PM UTC. You might have a hard time sifting out all the illusion from the facts today and not be able to see something clearly. It’s not a good day to make an important decision. Best to lay low until the fog clears.

Saturday, July 22. The Sun (what you want) enters the zodiac sign of Leo at 03:15 PM UTC and a new cycle begins. Be brave, live life to the fullest and don’t let the past steal your future. Get up and get going!

Mercury (how the mind works) Conjuncts North Node Rx (the future) at 06:51 AM UTC Time. Working with others as a team should be successful today.

See you next week.

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
July 16 – July 22, 2017



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