Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ September 16 – September 24, 2018

Astro ForecastWeekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast for September 16 – September 22, 2018:

Sunday, September 16, 2018. Your Weekly Astro Forecast starts out with MercurytrinePlutoMercury (how the mind works) Trines Pluto Rx (transformation and power) at 02:53 AM UTC. This transit brings you into the time when you’ll feel more focused, or you might decide to make some needed changes to transform an area in your life that needs to be changed.

The First Quarter Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and this energy sets the stage through September 24. This Moon phase brings you into the time of “Check-Point-Charlie”, the time of needing to check to see where you’re at and determine if you need to change something, or work harder to realize a dream, or accomplish something important to you.

The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 11:14 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Capricorn.

MercurySextileJupiter Mercury (how the mind works) Sextiles Jupiter (expansion and luck) at 11:50 AM UTC. This transit brings you into the time when you’ll have good judgement and see things clearly and you’ll be more open to listening to others because you’ll want to learn and expand.

Mercury Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Venus (wants, needs and desires) at 02:03 PM UTC. This transit brings you into the time of an irritation with a romantic partner or social connection and you might find it difficult to be polite.

Monday, September 17, 2018. The First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Capricorn at 11:07 AM UTC. You’ll need to stay focused and get something done, rather than starting something new.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018. MarssquareUranus Mars (passion and drive) Squares Uranus Rx (the awakener) at 11:01 PM UTC. This transit brings you into the time when you might act on impulse and take a risk and won’t consider the consequences, or you might feel challenged and won’t want to conform to what the circumstances require from you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018. The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 5:09 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Aquarius.

When the First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Aquarius at 11:51 PM UTC, you’ll probably avoid your feelings and say what you think instead of how you feel.

Thursday, September 20, 2018. No activity, read Wednesday.

Friday, September 21, 2018. Mercury The Sun (what you want) Conjuncts Mercury (how the mind works) at 01:51 AM UTC. This transit brings  you into the time when you’re going to feel aligned with your thoughts and you might be on a mission to solve a problem, or you might be more open to listening to what someone has to say.

The First Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 5:13 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Pisces.

Saturday, September 22, 2018. Mercury (how the mind works) enters the zodiac sign of Libra and you start a new cycle of change to walk in Libra’s shoes. You might begin a new relationship, or you might start new social connections, or you might be interested in starting a creative project.

MercuryoppositionChiron Mercury (how the mind works) is in Opposition with Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 05:54 AM UTC. This transit brings you into a communication misunderstanding because you might take something too personally and won’t be able to shake it off, or you might need to forgive someone. Stop walking across the wounded healer bridge at the scene of the crime and let go of those bad memories.

Mercury (how the mind works) is in Opposition with the North Node Rx at 09:30 AM UTC. This transit brings you into the time when you’ll need to let go of high expectations and roll with the situation.

The First Quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 12:26 PM UTC. You might struggle with putting your emotions into words, or you might channel your feelings and dreams inwards and be thinking about what your next step should be.

See you next week!

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