The Birth of Tarot Boot Camp

I started writing Tarot Boot Camp in the year of 2010 and about three years prior, a strong voice, the voice of my spiritual connection, resounded within me! “You are going to write a book in three years!”

I was utterly bewildered, since I had formed no intention whatsoever to write a book. As perhaps one of the worst writers on this planet, my shortcomings were further complicated by the complete ignorance as to what the book would even be about!

I knew I was never going to hear this message again because my spiritual connection communicates with me only once on each subject.

Whether a vision or a voice, repetitions never occur. Regardless, their extent of knowledge about my life and all its forthcoming events is astounding!

Eventually, I realized my book would be about “Tarot Cards” and my experiences and life connections with each card.

It was not given to me to understand why I had been singled out to write this book but I had three years to plan and meditate about it before beginning.

I felt strongly connected to the “Rider-Waite Tarot Deck” which was created by the artist Pamela Coleman Smith under the guidance of Arthur Edward Waite in the year of 1909.

During that three-year period, my metaphysical visions were numerous and when I had these visions, I was wide awake! One particularly memorable vision featured eggs. I saw a large, golden, oval platter (the size of a turkey platter) with six large, fluorescent ostrich eggs on top. The eggs were all different colors and beamed radiantly.

Hierophant, Chapter 6, Six Eggs, dreamstime_xl_19030067This vision was connected to all the jobs that I had worked during my career, as well as the job that I had at that present time. The golden platter was the key symbol since the various opportunities represented by the eggs that were sitting on this golden platter, and gold is connected to money.

None of the jobs that I would work in my career were permanent, but rather were stepping stones that provided the income I needed, and I knew that because the eggs in my vision were not cracked open. Nor were they fertile, which meant that my jobs were not to last forever. I recreated this vision over and over in meditation and tried to crack the eggs open but they were like super balls that just bounced imperviously.

The grand size of the eggs symbolized big opportunities but not permanent ones. Another important aspect of this vision was the number of ostrich eggs (six) to reflect that I was currently holding my sixth job. This vision was telling me that I was at the end of my career in my current field and that the book that I was soon to write represented the next destination in my career path and that I was going to write six books, and right now I have 5 Tarot Boot Camp books in process.

According to my vision, my current job would be the last in that field. Sure enough, three years later, I had another vision that showed that I was going to be laid off from my job because of the company’s foundering and the impending failure of the economy.

It was then that I began doing psychic readings on and Lotus Tarot and I feel that I am supposed to help people find their way while I am writing my book. I am not sure where this journey is taking me, and I am far from possessing the answer to everything but I know that I am headed in a different direction and doing something enormously meaningful and rewarding for me, something that I love.

Hierophant, Chapter 6, Ostrich Egg, dreamstime_xl_23284344

There is a difference in size between the ostrich egg and chicken eggs.

My vision of the large eggs: all the eggs were the size of ostrich eggs and all different colors and these eggs were beaming like fluorescent colored Easter Eggs!





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