Tarot Boot Camp ~ The Fool

tbcps-rw-foolThe Fool — The Major Arcana

The word Arcana comes from the Latin word Arcanum, which represents a sacred secret or mystery that one must discover. The Fool is related to the Major Arcana and signifies major life lessons you’ll learn on this path, that of new beginnings and living in the future!

The secret paths of the Major Arcana represent the journey of the Fool, in which the Fool learns new lessons with every step of the way and overcomes obstacles and gains wisdom from lessons learned.

The Fool — The New Beginning

The path of the Fool represents leaping into the unknown and learning new lessons on the way. The Fool’s Spirit craves a new experience, an adventure that he must embark upon regardless of the outcome. This urge Feels like an itch that must be scratched!

“Uranus is my ruler and symbolizes freedom and liberation and Saturn is my sub-ruler, symbolizing restrictions and lessons to be learned on my journey. Uranus feels like a seven year itch that must be scratched. Uranus makes me want to explore. This planet is a rebel with a cause. I am being sent on a new path because Uranus says change is inevitable!”

“I wonder if the planet Saturn is going to teach me a new lesson I have not yet learned? I have a strange feeling I’ll learn something new because my name is the Fool, but they also call me ‘Quick Step’ because I am spontaneous and unpredictable!” 

The Birth of Tarot Boot Camp

I started writing Tarot Boot Camp in the year of 2010 and about three years prior, a strong voice, the voice of my spiritual connection, resounded within me! “You are going to write a book in three years!”

I was utterly bewildered, since I had formed no intention whatsoever to write a book. As perhaps one of the worst writers on this planet, my shortcomings were further complicated by the complete ignorance as to what the book would even be about!

I knew I was never going to hear this message again because my spiritual connection communicates with me only once on each subject.

Whether a vision or a voice, repetitions never occur. Regardless, their extent of knowledge about my life and all its forthcoming events is astounding!

Eventually, I realized my book would be about “Tarot Cards” and my experiences and life connections with each card.