Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ September 25 – October 1, 2016

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for September 25 – October 1:

The third quarter phase of the Moon occurred on September 23 at 9:56AM in the zodiac sign of Cancer and this energy sets the stage through September 30. This Moon phase heralds the moment to advance from and release the ties that bind us to the past. After reflecting on your accomplishments, you must accept that you have done everything that was possible for you. Now is the time to heal and revitalize and to wisely plan your next move.

Sunday, September 25. The third quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 1:41AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Cancer.

William Lilly, a famous astrologer, said that when the Moon is void-of-course in the zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

Meanwhile, the third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Leo at 1:48PM UTC Time. With the Moon in Leo, you might find yourself needing more attention.

Monday, September 26. The Sun (what you want) Conjuncts Jupiter (expansion) at 06:59AM UTC Time. You might feel more confident, optimistic and social. You may decide to move forward with your relationships, or what is important to you right now.

The stars like you today. The planets are united and agree with each other because they are very close, but might send you into a blind spot because you’re too close to a situation!

Pluto (transformation and power) turns direct at 03:01PM UTC Time. Pluto is moving forwards again and you will apply what you learned during the retrograde phase.

Did you internalize everything and feel more secretive? Did you feel pressured to eliminate and release what was not working in your life and do some serious housecleaning to remove the obstacles, or did you break away from what is not working in your life?

Did you overcome a nagging health problem and discover the root cause of it? Retrograde motion turns everything inward to find hidden mysteries.

Did you decide to take better care of your health and start a diet or exercise program to break away from your old habits that were weighing you down?

Pluto is the death and rebirth planet, named “The Great Re-Newer,” and will destroy something in order to renew, but Pluto also brings something to the surface and makes you deal with it. Pluto has a very irregular orbit, and its influence in your natal birth chart is felt more on a personal level, effecting a transformation with painful, catastrophic consequences. I nicknamed Pluto, “The Secret Transformation Police!”

Pluto brings out your imbalances, a death followed by rebirth to your old way of thinking and lifestyle. This planet is very small, but very powerful and will bring out and purge issues from the unconsciousness. Pluto will propel you to transform your life and start the long-postponed new beginning.

Saturn (restrictions) Squares the North Node Rx (the future) at 06:43PM UTC Time. You might need to let go of the past and the relationships that did not work and start incorporating new relationships in your life.

The planets are experiencing tension and you’ll feel challenged to release what you’ve been holding on to so you’re not restricted, but you might walk into a nasty storm if you’re not careful!

Tuesday, September 27. Mars (the troublemaker) enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn at 08:06AM UTC Time. You begin a new cycle and might decide to take care of business and finally get organized, or decide to work smarter not harder!

The third quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 8:52AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Leo. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Sometimes the void-of-course phase makes you feel like you got out on the wrong side of your bed — you feel irritable or in a bad mood because you stepped into a crisis-in-action before you’ve had your first cup of coffee or you just start off with the wrong foot forward!

Meanwhile, the third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Virgo at 9:42PM UTC Time. With the Moon in Virgo, you might find yourself overcritical when it comes to yourself and what you can achieve.

Wednesday, September 28. With the third quarter Moon in Virgo, you might sort out the wheat from the chaff and work harder to improve your situation, or you might find fault with yourself or others because you are too critical.

Thursday, September 29. The third quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 10:04AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Virgo. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Sesquisquares Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 2:10PM UTC Time. You might feel blocked and have a hard time understanding others and need to adjust your attitude.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

Friday, September 30. The third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Libra at 7:52AM UTC Time. With the Moon in Libra, you might decide to add some beauty to your home, or go shopping, or decide to nurture yourself, or start dating again.

Saturday, October 1. The New Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Libra on October 1 at 0:11AM UTC Time. The New Moon phase sets the stage through October 8 and this will be the time to commit to personal goals and to get things done. You’ll probably feel more driven and motivated, or you might get hit with a touch of spring fever and decide to clean out all the cobwebs and make new changes.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Trines Neptune Rx (the spiritual awakener) at 05:13PM UTC Time. You might decide to hop on the magical carpet ride and take an important artistic goal for a spin, or you might feel more social, or decide to start dating someone you have your eyes on.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

See you next week!

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
September 25 – October 1, 2016

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