Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ May 1 – May 7, 2016

Astro Forecast

Weekly Astro Forecast for May 1 – May 7, 2016:

The third quarter phase of the Moon occurred on April 30 and this energy sets the stage through May 5. This Moon phase heralds the moment to advance from and release the ties that bind us to the past. After reflecting on your accomplishments, you must accept that you have done everything that was possible for you. Now is the time to heal and revitalize and to plan wisely your next move.

You may crave a new change, or alternatively you may want to commit to your current path but rise exultingly toward new challenges with it. To find the answer, you must engage a dialogue with your higher-self (the little voice that protects you) and delve ever deeper within.

Sunday, May 1. The third quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 2:55AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This energy might bring something to a standstill until the Moon finds a new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Sometimes the void-of-course phase makes you feel like you got out on the wrong side of your bed — you feel irritable or in a bad mood because you stepped into a crisis-in-action before you’ve had your first cup of coffee or you just start off with the wrong foot forward!

Meanwhile, the third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 2:33PM UTC Time. With the third quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces, you’ll probably be thinking about making some changes, or you might need to recharge your batteries and find some quiet time to figure something out.

Sun (what you want) Sextiles Neptune (the spiritual awakener). You might hop on the SECRET MAGICAL CARPET RIDE to figure something out, but you need to do it alone, or you’ll call 911 for higher self (that little voice that protects you from doing something stupid) to sort something out and make a decision on what your next step will be.

The planets like each other and cooperate and inspire each other bringing you into a new creative opportunity.

Monday, May 2. With the third quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces you might be cleaning out the clutter, or thinking about what you need to change. The third quarter Moon is also the time of an inward crisis, when you’re looking inwards to change something.

Tuesday, May 3. The Moon begins void-of-course at 5.07AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Pisces.

William Lilly, a famous astrologer, said that when the Moon is void-of-course in the zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

Meanwhile, the third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Aries at 5:04PM UTC Time. With the third quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Aries, you’ll probably be on the verge of making some changes.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Semisquares North Node (the future). It’s not the right time to make any big decisions with relationships. Rather, you should take a step back and think things through, but it’s not going to be easy because you’ll feel determined to get something done!

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

Sun (what you want) Trines Jupiter Rx (expansion). You’ll probably feel more optimistic and confident today, or you might be willing to put your best foot forward and take a risk, or you might be on the brink of starting something new that is important to you.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Wednesday, May 4. With the third quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Aries, you might be dealing with your feelings, but also dealing with your need to change something.

Thursday, May 5. The third quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 4:16AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aries. This energy might bring something to a standstill until the Moon finds a new home in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Meanwhile, the third quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Taurus at 5:10PM UTC Time. With the third quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus, you might experience a crisis in consciousness. You’ll probably be thinking about what no longer works and what you need to change. But you’ll probably throw caution to the wind before making any changes.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) Inconjuncts Mars (the troublemaker). Your might have a hard time satisfying your needs, wants and desires because you’ll want to force something to happen regarding your relationships. What you start might backfire on you, or you might get into a misunderstanding, or experience a challenge.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in a conflict, so you might need to make an adjustment because you might want to force something to happen!

Mars (the troublemaker) Sesquisquares Uranus (unexpected changes). You might feel restless, or take a risk and not consider the consequences.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

The Sun (what you want) Inconjuncts Saturn Rx (restrictions). You might want to force something to happen, but end up being restricted and not be able to follow through.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in a conflict, so you might need to make an adjustment because you might want to force something to happen!

Friday, May 6. The New Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Aries on May 6. The New Moon phase sets the stage through May 12 and will be the time to commit to personal goals and get things done. You’ll probably feel more driven and motivated, or you might get hit with a touch of spring fever and decide to clean out all the cobwebs and make new changes.

With the New Moon in the zodiac sign of Aries, you’ll probably have a fire under your feet to get something done.

Saturday, May 7. The Moon begins void-of-course at 2:20AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Taurus.

William Lilly, a famous astrologer, said that when the Moon is void-of-course in the zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

Meanwhile, the New Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Gemini at 4:34PM UTC Time. With the New Moon in the zodiac sign of Gemini, you’ll probably initiate something new because you’ll feel restless and won’t want to sit round and watch the clock!

The Sun (what you want) Trines Pluto (power and transforming energy). You might feel like you have the power and drive to get the bottom of something, or are totally focused on what you need to get done and you’ll make it happen.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Venus (wants, needs, desires) Semisquares Chiron (the wounded healer). You might have a problem agreeing with your partner, or you might push something to happen and learn something, or you might need to make an adjustment.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

See you next week!




Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
May 1 – May 7, 2016

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