Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ Nov 15 – Nov 21, 2015

TBC-forecast-bannerWeekly Astro Forecast for Nov 15 – Nov 21, 2015 for Tarot Boot Camp:

Sunday, the New Moon makes an ingress and finds a new home in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, in detriment. This will be the time when you’ll get organized and put your nose to the grindstone, but also the time when you’ll push away irritating emotions or disturbances that are following you around.

Venus (what you want, desire and need) quincunx Neptune (the spiritual awakener). With Venus in the zodiac sign of Libra in rulership and Neptune in the sign of Pisces in rulership, these planets hold hands. However, the quincunx will challenge you to resolve something that feels irritating. You’re going to need to trust your intuition and sift out the illusion from the facts. You might need to dial 911 for higher-self and listen to that little voice that talks to you today!

Monday, the New Moon begins void-of-course. This energy might bring something to a standstill until the Moon finds its new home. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Have you ever ended up in a mess or stepped into quicksand because you didn’t listen to someone or think something through? Sometimes the void-of-course phase makes you feel like you got out on the wrong side of your bed – you feel irritable or in a bad mood or just start off with the wrong foot forward!

Tuesday, the New Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, in the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler! You might decide that you don’t want to go with the flow today because you need your space.

The Sun (what you want) conjuncts Mercury (how the mind works). With the Sun in the zodiac sign of Scorpio and Mercury in Scorpio, you get the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler. You might decide to start digging where the skeletons are buried to get to the bottom of something.

Mercury (how the mind works) semisquares Venus (what you need, want and desire). With Mercury in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, in the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler and Venus in the sign of Libra, in rulership, these planets hold hands giving you the green light. However, the semisquare might bring out difficulties with your relationships because your mind may wander or you might not be able to communicate and be your charming self!

Wednesday, Neptune (the spiritual awakener) turns direct after being retrograde for the previous five months, and you’re headed back to square one, direct motion, the time when you’ll take a few hits that will put you on alert with your intuition! You might get stuck in the clouds of perception again and have a difficult time deciphering what is actually true (the time when you deceive yourself or you get deceived by others).

Neptune seems to dissolve what it touches: when Neptune aspects your 1st house of personality, you might have weak boundaries, or if Neptune aspects your 2nd house of money, your money might slip through your fingers. When Neptune aspects your 3rd house of communication, you might get conned by a trickster. If Neptune aspects your 4th house of home, you might make a bad decision related to your home.

If Neptune aspects your 5th house of romance, you might get swept off your feet and get hurt because you couldn’t see something clearly whereas Neptune making aspects to your 6th house of health may cause you to gain weight. If Neptune aspects your 7th house of marriage, you might need to take off your rose-colored glasses before you make a decision to get married. If Neptune aspects your 8th house of sex, you might start a sex-with-benefits relationship.

Neptune aspects to your 9th house of long distance travel might indicate a trip overseas; aspects your 10th house of career might cause confusion about your career and where you’re headed. If Neptune aspects your 11th house of friends, you might attract friends who take advantage of you. If Neptune aspects your 12th house of self-undoing, you’re probably safe because Neptune is at home in the 12th house, and you might be hiding something or want to hide out.

During the time of June 12 to November 18, Neptune was in retrograde motion and you probably listened to your inner voice and had vivid dreams that helped you sift out all the illusion from the facts. You might have changed the outcome with a particular situation because you were able to see things more clearly!

The Sun (what you want) semisquares Venus (what you need, want and desire). With the Sun in Scorpio, in the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler and Venus in Libra in rulership, the semisquare throws a monkey wrench into your situation because you’re challenged to feel comfortable in your own skin and form new relationships!

Thursday, the Moon begins void-of-course in the first quarter phase and later makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces, in the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no rules or restrictions in your way. At this time you might be challenged to get something done quickly (a crisis in action).

Mercury (how the mind works) sextiles North Node (the future). The North Node (the future) is always in opposition with the South Node (the past). Mercury is in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, in the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler, the North Node is in the sign of Virgo (the analyzer), and the South Node is in the sign of Pisces (the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown).

If you pay attention to the future and do not let your mind wander back in the past, you’ll experience new contracts, new love interests and friends.

Friday, Mercury (how the mind works) enters the sign of Sagittarius, in detriment and you might feel like your mind is restless and unsure of what goal to focus on next!

The Sun (what you want) sextiles North Node (the future) and the North Node (the future) is always in opposition with the South Node (the past). The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler. The North Node is in the sign of Virgo (the analyzer) and the South Node is in the sign of Pisces (the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown).

You’ll want to cooperate with others and you’ll find a new direction if you don’t let the past get in your way and repeat past patterns.

Mercury (how the mind works) semisquares Pluto (power and transformation). With Mercury in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, in detriment, your mind might send you in many directions. With Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler, you might struggle with communication by becoming shy or you’ll be unable to reveal what you really need to say.

Saturday, the first quarter Moon begins void-of-course and later enters the zodiac sign of Pisces, the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler. This is the time of a checkpoint to see where you’re at and if you need to change something or work harder to realize a dream.

The Sun (what you want) semisquares Pluto (power and transformation). With the Sun in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, the peregrine state, the run-away-train with no ruler and Pluto in Capricorn, another run-away-train, you have the power to create change. You might drive yourself harder because you don’t want to sit on your laurels! You’re on a mission to get something done.

Venus (wants, desires and needs) squares Mercury (how the mind works). With Venus in the zodiac sign of Libra, in rulership, and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius, in detriment, you might rub others the wrong way or cause a problem by being more bunt than usual. You might make a few enemies if you don’t discipline yourself!


Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
Nov 15 – Nov 21, 2015

by  safina-sig











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