Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ December 9 – December 15, 2018

Astro ForecastWeekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast for December 9 – December 15, 2018:

Sunday, December 9, 2018. Your Weekly Tarot Boot Camp Forecast begins with Chiron (the wounded healer) turning stationary direct at 07:52 AM UTC.

During the 5 – month time span of retrograde motion from July 4, 2018 to December 8, 2018, the old friend from the past came back to visit you, and this old friend brought you back to the scene of the crime to heal a deep wound.

Now that Chiron is stationary direct, you’ll be released from the wound that binds you to the past, but you’ve also received a gift to help others heal their broken pieces because you’re the experienced wounded healer and know how to help others.

Neptune (the spiritual awakener) Sesquisquares the North Node Rx (the future) at 02:05 PM UTC. The planets create a challenge that you’ll need to work through and you might experience a delay or get frustrated with others and won’t be able to get from Point A to Point B until you work through a problem.

 Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn) Trines Chiron (the wounded healer) at 04:07 PM UTC.

The planets stimulate each other and work together to help you achieve something. You’ll be ready to open up communication with others, or you’ll be ready to listen to what others have to say and use this information to solve problems.

Monday, December 10, 2018. The New Moon begins void-of-course at 9:26 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Aquarius.

When the New Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Aquarius at 11:39 PM UTC, you might feel more logical than emotional.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn) Trines the North Node Rx (the future) at 03:18 AM UTC. The planets stimulate each other and work together to help you achieve something and you’ll be ready to work with others to get something done.

MercuryQuincunxUranus Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn) Inconjuncts Uranus (in retrograde motion, the awakener) at 11:37 AM UTC. The planets are in conflict with each other and you’ll need to make an adjustment to get from point A to Point B, and with Uranus in retrograde motion you might experience something unexpected.

You might feel over-stimulated and rub someone the wrong way with your opinion, or you might make a hasty decision and not think something through.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018. Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn) enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (ruled by the planet Jupiter-expansion) at 11:42 PM UTC.  This will be the time when you’ll want to expand. You might want to learn something new, or decide to take a trip, or go back to school, or you might feel more curious and need to explore the unknown.

Thursday, December 13, 2018. The New Moon begins void-of-course at 12:39 PM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Pisces.

When the New Moon makes an ingress and finds her new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 10:19 AM UTC, you’ll feel more sympathetic and compassionate.

Friday, December 14, 2018. No activity, read Thursday.

Saturday, December 15, 2018. UranusNeptune Uranus Rx (in retrograde motion, the awakener) Semisquares Neptune (the spiritual awakener) at 11:11 AM UTC. The planets bring an obstacle that you’ll need to work through. You might feel inspired to move forward but with Uranus retrograde in this transit, something might cause a big irritation by blocking your forward motion.

The First Quarter Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Pisces and this energy sets the stage through December 20. This Moon phase brings you into the time of “Check-Point-Charlie”, the time of needing to check to see where you’re at and determine if you need to change something, or work harder to realize a dream, or accomplish something important to you.

With the Moon in Pisces, you’ll be on a mission to get things done and work with others, but you won’t let others drain you and take away your vision.

The Third Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 11:49 AM UTC (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Aries.

See you next week!

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