Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ June 30 – July 6, 2019

Astro ForecastWeekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast for June 30 – July 6, 2019:

Sunday, June 30, 2019. Your Weekly Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast begins with Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn) in a Sesquisquare with Jupiter Rx (in retrograde motion, expansion) at 03:06 AM UT. Conflicting energies create a challenge that you’ll need to work through.

You might experience an information overload, or you might exaggerate, or you might feel judgmental, or you might feel overconfident of your opinions and push the limits. 

Monday, July 1, 2019. The Third Quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 10:46 PM UT (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Gemini. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Cancer.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019. Mars (passion and energy that drives you into action) enters the zodiac sign of Leo at 00:19 AM UT and you start a new cycle of change in a quest to be appreciated, or you want to get out and have fun and socialize with others, or to learn something new.

The Third Quarter Moon makes her ingress into Cancer at 2:33 AM UT. Check out your solar house placement of the Moon through July 4 at 4:19 PM UT for details.

Aries: Moon in 4th house – produces strong emotional bonds to home and family.

Taurus: Moon in 3rd house – affects your emotions and how you communicate with others.

Gemini: Moon in 2nd house – money and belongings will become very important.

Cancer: Moon in 1st house – causes you to feel oversensitive or to wear your emotions on your sleeves for everyone else to see.

Leo: Moon in 12th house – you might need a lot of space or you may be dealing with something very unpleasant.

Virgo: Moon in 11th house – friendships and acquaintances might be a major part of your life right now.

Libra: Moon in 10th house – career, public image, and a special achievement might make you look for public recognition, or you might need to feel respected.

Scorpio: Moon in 9th house – a focus on higher education or travel might make you want to discover new things, visit new places or expand your knowledge.

Sagittarius: Moon in 8th house – you may be focused on making money, intimacy, or both.

Capricorn: Moon in 7th house – you may look for emotional support from your close partner or a business partner.

Aquarius: Moon in 6th house – your emotional security becomes focused on your work environment, the services you provide others and taking care of your own health.

Pisces: Moon in 5th house – you will express your emotional needs through romance, love affairs, creativity, children and having fun.

The New Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 8:16 PM UT and this phase sets the stage through July 8. This will be the time to commit to personal goals and get things done. You might even get a touch of spring fever and decide to clean out the cobwebs and make changes.

The Total Solar Eclipse, involving the New Moon, occurs in the zodiac sign of Cancer at 8:16 PM UT. Eclipses bring change and make you pay attention. Sometimes they will take you out of your comfort zone, uproot you, and surprise you, but also help you take action and implement the changes that you need to make.

The New Moon stands between the Sun and Earth and something might be hovering behind the scenes and be brought out into the open. Something might end so something new can begin. 

This Solar Eclipse is associated with the North Node (the Dragons Head is in the zodiac sign of Caner-the cardinal leader who initiates change) and makes you want to take action to begin something new. You are in the driver’s seat and will make the changes you need to make regarding yourself and your future development. 

Aries: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 4th house and you will form a relationship with your roots, family and the home you live in. 

Taurus: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 3rd house and you will form a relationship with yourself and others. This is the time when you will open up communications with siblings, cousins, or your neighbors, or you might take a short trip, or vacation.  

Gemini: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 2nd house and you will form a relationship with how you spend and save your money.

Caner: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 1st house and you will develop a relationship with yourself and be true to your dreams, and you will take better care of your appearance.

Leo: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 12th house and you will develop a relationship with yourself. You might decide to start a secret affair, or to take time away from others, or heal from something, or something unexpected might come out and surprise you and take you out of your comfort zone.

Virgo: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 11th house and you will take action to make your wishes come true and form a relationship with your friends, mentors and social network. You’ll stay focused and want to make the right friendships. 

Libra: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 10th house and you will form a relationship with your career and public reputation.

Scorpio: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 9th house and you will form a relationship with higher education, long distance travel, walking into uncharted areas that you have not explored yet, or you will step out of your comfort zone and taking a risk.

Sagittarius: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 8th house and you will form a new relationship or you will end a previous relationship, or you will form a relationship with a child, or you will make a decision to move in with someone and intermingle your money and assets with your partner, or make a decision to move out and leave your partner, or you might decide to clear your debt and balance your budget.

Capricorn: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 7th house and you will form a strong relationship with your marriage partner, exclusive partner or business partnership. 

Aquarius: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 6th house and you will form a relationship with your daily routines, health or work environment. You might form a relationship with someone in your work environment, or you might decide to start taking better care of your health.

Pisces: The Sun, Moon and North Node aspect your 5th house and will form a relationship with your creative side, start a romance, date, gamble, kick up your heels and have some fun, or you will form a relationship with a child. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019. Mercury (how you communicate, travel and learn)  Sesquisquares Neptune (the spiritual awakener) at 12:45 PM UT. Conflicting energies create a challenge that you’ll need to work through.

You might have a hard time seeing something clearly, or you might decide to daydream and escape your normal activities. This is not a good day to sign on the dotted line or agree to anything because you might miss important details. 

The New Moon begins void-of-course at 3:23 PM UT (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Cancer. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Leo.

Venus (wants, needs and desires) enters the zodiac sign of Cancer at 04:17 PM UT and you start a new cycle of change. You might feel more defensive and protective, or you might be more cautious and pick your battles wisely.

Thursday, July 4, 2019. Mars (passion and energy that drives you into action) Sesquisquares Jupiter Rx (in retrograde motion, expansion) at 01:32 PM UT. Conflicting energies create a challenge that you’ll need to work through.

Your spirit might feel strong and you might decide to fight for what you believe in, or you might jump into something without considering the consequences.

The New Moon makes her ingress into Leo at 4:19 AM UT. Check out your solar house placement of the Moon through July 6 at 5:25 AM UT for details.

Aries: Moon in 5th house – you will express your emotional needs through romance, love affairs, creativity, children and having fun.

Taurus: Moon in 4th house – produces strong emotional bonds to home and family.

Gemini: Moon in 3rd house – affects your emotions and how you communicate with others.

Cancer: Moon in 2nd house – money and belongings will become very important.

Leo: Moon in 1st house – causes you to feel oversensitive or to wear your emotions on your sleeves for everyone else to see.

Virgo: Moon in 12th house – you might need a lot of space or you may be dealing with something very unpleasant.

Libra: Moon in 11th house – friendships and acquaintances might be a major part of your life right now.

Scorpio: Moon in 10th house – career, public image, and a special achievement might make you look for public recognition, or you might need to feel respected.

Sagittarius: Moon in 9th house – a focus on higher education or travel might make you want to discover new things, visit new places or expand your knowledge.

Capricorn: Moon in 8th house – you may be focused on making money, intimacy, or both.

Aquarius: Moon in 7th house – you may look for emotional support from your close partner or a business partner.

Pisces: Moon in 6th house – your emotional security becomes focused on your work environment, the services you provide others and taking care of your own health.

Friday, July 5, 2019. The New Moon begins void-of-course at 7:22 AM UT (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Leo. This is not a good time to make Big Decisions because the Moon is wandering until she finds her new home in the sign of Virgo.

Saturday, July 6, 2019. The New Moon makes her ingress into Leo at 5:25 AM UT. Check out your solar house placement of the Moon through July 8 at 7:06 AM UT for details.

Aries: Moon in 6th house – your emotional security becomes focused on your work environment, the services you provide others and taking care of your own health.

Taurus: Moon in 5th house – you will express your emotional needs through romance, love affairs, creativity, children and having fun.

Gemini: Moon in 4th house – produces strong emotional bonds to home and family.

Cancer: Moon in 3rd house – affects your emotions and how you communicate with others.

Leo: Moon in 2nd house – money and belongings will become very important.

Virgo: Moon in 1st house – causes you to feel oversensitive or to wear your emotions on your sleeves for everyone else to see.

Libra: Moon in 12th house – you might need a lot of space or you may be dealing with something very unpleasant.

Scorpio: Moon in 11th house – friendships and acquaintances might be a major part of your life right now.

Sagittarius: Moon in 10th house – career, public image, and a special achievement might make you look for public recognition, or you might need to feel respected.

Capricorn: Moon in 9th house – a focus on higher education or travel might make you want to discover new things, visit new places or expand your knowledge.

Aquarius: Moon in 8th house – you may be focused on making money, intimacy, or both.

Pisces: Moon in 7th house – you may look for emotional support from your close partner or a business partner.

See you next week!

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast: June 30 – July 6, 2019


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