Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ March 12 – March 18, 2017

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for March 12 – March 18:

Sunday, March 12. Mercury (how the mind works) Squares Saturn (hard work and restrictions) at 12:09 PM UTC. You might stir the pot today because you feel irritated and say something the way you see it, or you might feel impatient with others, or you might decide to be the boss and take charge and rub someone the wrong way.

The planets are experiencing tension and you’ll feel challenged to release what you’ve been holding on to so you’re not restricted, but you might walk into a nasty storm if you’re not careful!

The Full Moon occurs on March 12 in the zodiac sign of Virgo at 2:53 PM. This energy sets the stage through March 19. Since the energies of the Moon will only decrease, weaken, and wane after this point, the Full Moon is the time to either celebrate or to abandon the path that has failed to serve you. The seed you planted during the New Moon phase has grown and blossomed or remained stunted and miserly.

Monday, March 13. The Full Moon begins void-of-course at 2:36 AM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Virgo. You might have a hard time sticking to your daily routines, or you might feel frustrated with what you need to do today.

Meanwhile, The Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Libra at 5:28 AM UTC. With the Moon in Libra, you might decide to balance the scales and troubleshoot a situation.

Mars (the troublemaker) Trines North Node Rx (the future) at 09:55 AM UTC. A new opportunity might come up, or maybe someone might give you a helping hand.

With the South Node Rx in the zodiac sign of Pisces you might feel restricted or need help getting from point A to point B, but with the North Node Rx in the zodiac sign of Virgo, you will be on a mission to make things happen and accept a helping hand, or take an opportunity for a spin.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Mercury (how the mind works) enters the zodiac sign of Aries at 09:07 PM UTC. You start a new cycle of change to be the pioneer of your life. Mental activity will be strong and you will outline the direction you need to take and make things happen.

Tuesday, March 14. No planetary activity, read Monday.

Wednesday, March 15. Mercury (how the mind works) Inconjuncts North Node Rx (the future) at 01:46 AM UTC. You might need to make some adjustments to get from point A to point B today and trust your intuition.

With the South Node Rx in the zodiac sign of Pisces you might have a hard time trusting your intuition, but with the North Node Rx in the zodiac sign of Virgo, you might have a talk with yourself and realize if you do not make an adjustment you will continue to spin your wheels.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in conflict and you might need to make an adjustment because you may force something to happen!

The Sun (what you want) Conjuncts Chiron (the wounded healer) at 04:41 AM UTC. You might be ready to face something head on about yourself and start a mission to fix what needs to be fixed so you grow instead of going backwards.

The stars like you today. The planets are united and agree with each other because they are very close, but might send you into a blind spot because you’re too close to a situation!

The Full Moon begins void-of-course at 10:05 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Libra. You might feel like others are not listening to you, or you are not being treated with respect, or someone is not willing to compromise with you.

Meanwhile, The Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Scorpio at 3:10 PM UTC. With the Moon in Scorpio, your emotions might feel like they are going through the extreme highs and lows, or you might have a hard time trusting someone.

Thursday, March 16. No planetary aspects, read Wednesday.

Friday, March 17. The Sun (what you want) Squares Saturn (restrictions) at 09:47 PM UTC. You might need to face an obstacle or need to overcome something you are not going to like.

The planets are experiencing tension and you’ll feel challenged to release what you’ve been holding on to so you’re not restricted, but you might walk into a nasty storm if you’re not careful!

The Full Moon begins void-of-course at 9:56 PM (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. You might find yourself fact checking something, or you might turn something inwards and check in with your inner council.

Saturday, March 18. The Full Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius at 2:59 PM UTC. With the Moon in Sagittarius, you might feel more optimistic, or decide it’s the right time to bounce back from a setback.

Mercury (how the mind works) Conjuncts Venus Rx (wants, needs and desires) at 12:26 PM UTC. You might feel mentally stimulated and decide to socialize with others, or you might feel like a chatterbox because you have a lot to say.

The stars like you today. The planets are united and agree with each other because they are very close, but might send you into a blind spot because you’re too close to a situation!

See you next week.

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
March 12 – March 18, 2017



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