Tarot Boot Camp Astro Forecast ~ November 6 – November 12, 2016

Astro ForecastWeekly Astro Forecast for November 6 – November 12:

The New Moon occurred in the zodiac sign of Scorpio on October 30 at 5:38 UTC Time. The New Moon phase sets the stage through November 6 and this will be the time to commit to personal goals and to get things done. You’ll probably feel more driven and motivated, or you might get hit with a touch of spring fever and decide to clean out all the cobwebs and make new changes.

Sunday, November 6. The New Moon begins void-of-course at 9:56AM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

Sometimes the void-of-course phase makes you feel like you got out on the wrong side of your bed — you feel irritable or in a bad mood because you stepped into a crisis-in-action before you’ve had your first cup of coffee or you just start off with the wrong foot forward!

The New Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Aquarius at 1:55PM UTC Time. With the Moon in Aquarius, you might want your space and freedom, or feel restless.

Mercury (how the mind works) Trines Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 07:01PM UTC Time. You might be willing to listen to others and work out problems, or want to heal on old wound, or feel the need to communicate with others because you have something important to say.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Monday, November 7. Mercury (how the mind works) Inconjuncts Uranus Rx (the awakener) at 05:10AM UTC Time. This is not a good day to make important decisions, or to force your opinion on others because you might rub others the wrong way and burn your bridges, or you might feel restless and disorganized.

The planets don’t understand each other and cannot merge. They are in conflict and you might need to make an adjustment because you may force something to happen!

The Sun (what you want) Sextiles Pluto (power and transformation) at 08:24AM UTC Time. You might decide to keep something to yourself until you have done the research, or you might decide to transform your life and go after something new.

The planets like each other and cooperate and inspire each other, bringing you into a new creative opportunity to take for a spin.

The first quarter Moon occurs in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on November 7 at 7:51PM UTC Time and this energy sets the stage through November 13. This Moon phase brings you into the time of “Check-Point-Charlie,” the time of needing to check to see where you’re at and determine if you need to change something or work harder to realize a dream or accomplish something important to you.

Tuesday, November 8. Election Day in the United States. The first quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 1:54PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The void-of-course Moon brings you into the time of waiting to find out who the next president of the United States will be!

Election Alert: The planet Mars will change zodiac signs on Election Day. Mars will be at 29 degrees (the Anaretic Degree of Fate and Change) in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, in the early hours of the day, and then enter the zodiac sign of Aquarius, in the later hours of the night at 0 degrees (a new cycle of change). Mars (in Aquarius) will be in mutual reception with Uranus Rx (in Aries). During mutual reception, the planets help each other out and Mars, the courageous pioneer lights a fire to get things done and Uranus Rx, the freedom fighter brings a revolution and unexpected change.

The first quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Pisces at 9:45PM UTC Time. With the Moon in Pisces, the wait to find out who the next president might feel very emotional.

Wednesday, November 9. Mars (the troublemaker) enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius at 05:51AM UTC Time. We begin a new cycle of change, the revolutionary cycle of change regarding your ambition, independence and freedom. This is the time when you will decide to live in the present and leave the past way behind you, or you will leave past patterns that were slowing you down so you will achieve something important to you.

Mars (the troublemaker) Semisquares Saturn (restrictions) at 03:53PM UTC Time. You might have a hard time getting from point A to point B today, or feel blocked, or feel things are harder than they should be and get frustrated.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

Thursday, November 10. The first quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 11:16PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Pisces.

William Lilly, a famous astrologer, said that when the Moon is void-of-course in the zodiac signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, the Moon can still perform its duties!

Friday, November 11. The first quarter Moon makes an ingress and finds its new home in the zodiac sign of Aries at 1:44AM UTC Time. With the Moon in Aries, you might feel more emotional and want to fight about something, but the fight will be short lived.

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Jupiter (expansion) at 11:48AM UTC Time. Your mind might feel overloaded, or you might feel restless and unable to channel the energies today.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

Saturday, November 12. Venus enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn at 04:54AM UTC Time. You enter a new cycle of change to feel secure and do whatever it takes to make the deals you need to make to achieve something important to you.

Mercury (how the mind works) enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius at 02:39PM UTC Time. A new cycle of change begins and you might decide to expand, travel, reconnect with others, go back to school, or complete something important to you.

The Sun (what you want) Trines Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) at 07:05PM UTC Time. You might feel more confident and be on a mission to solve a problem that has been lingering.

The stars like you today and you won’t feel challenged – just don’t take something for granted!

Mercury (how the mind works) Semisquares Pluto (power and transformation) at 10:08PM UTC Time. You might feel the need to get to the bottom of something, or feel suspicious and mistrust someone, or feel some inner pressure.

The planets don’t understand each other, but you’ll probably feel determined to move forwards without a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into.

The first quarter Moon begins void-of-course at 12:44PM UTC Time (Greenwich Time) in the zodiac sign of Aries. This is not the time to take risks because the void-of-course phase is the time when Pandora’s Box might open and the unthinkable happens.

The Hero Tarot

The Fool – Tarot Card for the Week – The Journey of the Great Awakening

resize-hero-0-the-foolMars enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius (ruled by the planet Uranus). We begin a new cycle of change, the revolutionary cycle of change regarding your ambition, independence, and freedom to live in the future.

This is the time when you will decide to put the past way behind you, or you will leave past patterns that were slowing you down so you will achieve something important to you.

Once upon a time the sperm met the egg (conception) and nine months later you were born. If you look at the number zero closely, you will see the number 0 looks like the egg. The egg is the Hero and represents you.

You are associated with a continuous cycle of change and the seventy-eight passageways of growth that will open up and lead you into new possibilities that are ready to be explored.

You, as the Hero-Fool, have a longing in your soul that calls for a change that cannot be ignored. This yearning for change alerts you to new opportunities related to personal and professional development.

The Fool brings you into the journey of the great awakening. This awakening is associated with a new beginning, the urge to try something different or to shed the past. It is also the time when you will begin to trust your instincts and believe in a higher power and what is possible for you to achieve!

This new journey that the Fool must embark upon was launched by the craving of his spirit for new experiences, a search for independence, and a need to shed all limitations.

Regardless of the outcome, he will throw himself wholeheartedly toward the future. He will open his arms to new opportunities and act spontaneously, without fear of what lies ahead, because he trusts his instincts and is open to taking risks.

The universe might be sending the Fool into a new opportunity for a reason, or the Fool may desire to leap into unknown territories and walk where he has never walked before in order to experience something new and different.

Numerical number 0: The Fool is enumerated zero. The Fool’s path is associated with a continuous cycle of change and growth! The number 0 is related to the beginning point of the Fool’s journey. The Fool is ready to begin his journey, experience something new and leave all limitations because he trusts in a higher power.

uranusThe Element of Air: The Fool is associated with the planet Uranus (the great awakener – the planet of unexpected changes).

Uranus is the planet of the future (not the past) and never abandons a path until it has secured the change.

Probable Outcome: You will leap into the unknown without fear of what lies ahead because you trust your instincts and also trust in a higher power.

You might decide to let the past go and start over because you are ready to take a risk and start something new that leads into personal or professional growth and development.

Possible Outcome: You are not ready to leap forward. You are too cautious because you made a bad decision in the past and are now facing a moment of doubt.

Then again, you might not be able to channel the Fool’s energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you are not willing to let your spirit take a magical carpet ride into the future because you do not trust your instincts, or you feel the need to do more planning before you are ready to take the leap of faith.

Timing: The Fool predicts that an important event may occur within the next 30 days.

See you next week!

Tarot Boot Camp Weekly Astro Forecast:
November 6 – November 12, 2016


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