Tarot Boot Camp – Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

hero-tarot-bannerTemperance – The Journey of Moderation and Balance

Once upon a time you had a fascination for living life, but then discovered you needed constant change to stay happy. This craving for new experiences made you leap into situations without thinking them through. Suddenly your luck SHUT OFF and you were sent you into a healing cycle.

You, the Hero-Temperance, are associated with a continuous cycle of change and the seventy-eight passageways of growth that will open up and lead you into new opportunities that are ready to be explored.

hero-14-resize-temperanceTemperance addresses the need to deal with excesses. It will help you recognize when you are spending too much energy on one area of life.

Any imbalance in your life will probably take you by surprise. Sometimes you need a temporary separation to reevaluate your situation before starting a new journey. This card requires you to ponder all decisions well before acting. Always remember, old wounds will heal with the passage of time.

At times you will find yourself impatiently chafing against the slowness of life, but Temperance teaches you that true success and enlightenment come from the achievement of staying balanced. Everything you do in life requires the balancing of opposites. You need to balance those highs and lows so your spirit does not soar up and down like a roller coaster.

Numerical Number 14: The number 14 is related to independence through inner motivation. Independence will lead you to success, but you need to modify and temper experimental behavior to achieve success and growth.

Temperance’s number 14 consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 4 (cleansed and purified to build a new foundation) = 5 (the unpredictable lifestyle change).

sagittarius-symbolThe Element of Fire: Temperance is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (the traveler who loves freedom and hates to feel trapped).

Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter (expansion and good luck).

Probable Outcome: You are not letting everything drive you because you have found your peaceful place within you and you are taking care of yourself and thinking things through before you take the leap of faith.

It’s also possible that you need a temporary separation from others to figure something out to find your direction.

Temperance reveals liars and cleanses the situation with integrity. If you told a white lie, you might be ready face the consequences and purify yourself.

You might be ready to commit to a new healthy lifestyle, or commit to a new business or personal relationship because you have found the right fit.

Possible Outcome: You might be lacking patience and moderation and not ready to think something through before you take the leap of faith.

You might let everything drive you because you have not found your peaceful place within and are rushing around and working a million tasks at once and not taking care of yourself.

A white lie you told may be revealed, or a white lie that that someone else told, when revealed, sends you into an emotional whirlwind, or it’s possible you found out that your lover is cheating on you, or others are gossiping and spreading rumors.

Then again, you might not be able to channel Temperance’s energies into your life at this time. If this is the case, you are not ready to slow down because you need to meet important deadlines, or it’s possible that you cannot understand why someone hurt you, or why someone gave you your freedom to explore other opportunities.

Timing: Temperance predicts that an important event may occur within the next 30 days.

Come see me live chat or by phone for a tarot reading. http://www.kasamba.com/psychic/psychic-safina 

Temperance, the Hero card article is also located on Lotus Tarot. http://www.free-tarot-reading.net/live-readings/Safina/chat






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